Another potential source of extraterrestrial water is the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Occasionally, the gravitational field of Jupiter shifts one of these asteroids into a new orbit that now crosses the orbit of Earth. Given enough time, this asteroid and Earth will occupy the same intersection point at the same time, resulting in a collision. It has been estimated that forty thousand tons of matter rains down on Earth every year as a result of this process. Examination of these meteorites has shown that the rock in their cores is often infused with a high concentration of water molecules. (A meteorite is the portion of an asteroid that survives its passage through the atmosphere and impact with the ground without being vaporized.)
Although neither the from-here nor the from-elsewhere hypothesis is particularly compelling, both are plausible, and perhaps both are true. It seems most likely that several processes were at work over hundreds of millions of years to make Earth the only planet known to be covered with liquid water. (The Bedside Baccalaureate, edited by David Rubel)