"...look into all things with a searching eye” - Baha'u'llah (Prophet Founder of the Baha'i Faith)
Dec 31, 2012
Chinese Characters

Dec 30, 2012
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Dec 29, 2012
Our brains are as individual as our fingerprints
How well and how fast your brain works, says Leif Finkel,
M.D., Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania, depends on the
genetic structure of your brain and the experiences you've exposed it to over
your own 40, 50, or 60 years.
"Everybody's brain starts off just a little bit differently," explains Dr. Finkel, "because genetic programming influences how your nervous system gets set up in the first place. If you have a hundred antelopes, for example, they're not all equally fast at running and they don't have the same visual capability. So when the lion comes to chase them, certain ones are going to get away and certain ones aren't."
The same difference in ability is true in people, he adds. All of us have billions of densely interconnected brain cells that continually fire electrochemical messages back and forth. But the difference in the way these cells connect is the reason that some of us can do complicated math in our head, others can write novels, and some can ace a tennis serve.
"Everybody's brain starts off just a little bit differently," explains Dr. Finkel, "because genetic programming influences how your nervous system gets set up in the first place. If you have a hundred antelopes, for example, they're not all equally fast at running and they don't have the same visual capability. So when the lion comes to chase them, certain ones are going to get away and certain ones aren't."
The same difference in ability is true in people, he adds. All of us have billions of densely interconnected brain cells that continually fire electrochemical messages back and forth. But the difference in the way these cells connect is the reason that some of us can do complicated math in our head, others can write novels, and some can ace a tennis serve.
Dec 28, 2012
Largest and longest kites

Dec 27, 2012
The language of stocks
People who invest in stocks or follow the progress of the stock market encounter a wide variety of terms unique to these investments. These terms include price-to-earnings ratio, earnings per share, market capitalization, mutual fund, bull market, bear market, and day trading, among others. Understanding this vocabulary helps explain many of the workings of the market in stocks.
1. Price-to-Earnings Ratio and Earnings Per Share
Investors use several techniques to determine whether a particular stock should be purchased. Some investors examine a stock’s fundamentals such as its earnings per share or its price-to-earnings ratio. Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the corporation’s total earnings or income by the number of shares the corporation has outstanding. A corporation’s price-earnings ratio is calculated by dividing the current price of a share of the company’s stock by its earnings per share. These calculations represent fundamentals in the sense that they reflect the effectiveness of a company’s business operation (earnings per share) and the market’s current assessment of the company’s worth in relation to its earnings (price-earnings ratio).
1. Price-to-Earnings Ratio and Earnings Per Share
Investors use several techniques to determine whether a particular stock should be purchased. Some investors examine a stock’s fundamentals such as its earnings per share or its price-to-earnings ratio. Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the corporation’s total earnings or income by the number of shares the corporation has outstanding. A corporation’s price-earnings ratio is calculated by dividing the current price of a share of the company’s stock by its earnings per share. These calculations represent fundamentals in the sense that they reflect the effectiveness of a company’s business operation (earnings per share) and the market’s current assessment of the company’s worth in relation to its earnings (price-earnings ratio).
Dec 26, 2012
Brain's intricate network of blood vessels

Specialized blood vessels within the brain called choroid plexuses produce protective cerebrospinal fluid. Each of the brain's four cavities, the ventricles, contains a choroid plexus. The cerebrospinal fluid continuously washes over the brain and spinal cord, suspending these organs in a liquid cushion that protects them from injury.
The blood-brain barrier, another protective feature, consists of a network of uniquely structured blood vessels. These capillaries are nearly impermeable to many harmful chemicals carried by the blood, but do allow oxygen, water, and glucose to enter the brain. The cells of these capillaries are more tightly joined than cells of other blood vessels. The vessels themselves are wrapped twice - first by a layer called a basement membrane, then by the fatty extensions, or end feet, of special glial cells. (National Geographic)
Dec 25, 2012
Walking vs. Other Activities: calories expended by a 150-pound person per hour
Race walking: 600
Uphill walking, 10% incline (3 mph): 500
Walking, 15-lb. backpack (4 mph): 410
Brisk walking (4mph): 350
Slow running (5 mph): 550
Recreational tennis, singles: 430
Swimming, slow crawl: 400
(The Wellness Guide to Lifelong Fitness, by Timothy White, PhD., and the editors of the University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter)
Uphill walking, 10% incline (3 mph): 500
Walking, 15-lb. backpack (4 mph): 410
Brisk walking (4mph): 350
Slow running (5 mph): 550
Recreational tennis, singles: 430
Swimming, slow crawl: 400
(The Wellness Guide to Lifelong Fitness, by Timothy White, PhD., and the editors of the University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter)
Dec 24, 2012
Laser: a device that produces a beam of high-energy light
stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation." Inside a laser is a material called a lasing medium. Passing
an electric current or light into the medium gives energy to, or excites, its
atoms. The excited atoms suddenly give up their extra energy and emit light.
One atom emits a light ray, which strikes another atom and causes it to emit another
ray, and so on in a rapid cascade of emissions. The rays are all in phase. This
means that the waves of energy in the rays are exactly in step, making the
light very concentrated. This kind of light is coherent radiation. Mirrors
reflect the rays, so that the cascade builds up. The light leaves through one
of the mirrors, which is partly transparent. Lasers
can also emit invisible infrared rays. A maser is like a laser, but emits
(Dictionary of Science, by Neil Ardley)
Dec 23, 2012
The origin of Earth’s oceans
Little is known about the origin of Earth's oceans, but there
are currently two main hypotheses: One is that the water was always here; the other
is that it came from somewhere else. The first of these hypotheses stems from
the simple observation that, among all the gases released by the Hawaiian
volcanoes, steam (water vapor) is the most prevalent. Thus it could be that
simple volcanic outgassing of water trapped within Earth's rocky mantle produced
the planet's oceans.
The premise of the second hypothesis, that the source of Earth's
water is extraterrestrial, seems unlikely at first glance because, at least in our
solar system, liquid water is quite rare. In the solid form of ice, however,
water in actually quite
abundant. Comets, for instance, are made of ice mixed with other debris. Specialists believe that large
comets may contain fifty or more cubic
kilometers of water in the form of ice. Although 10 of these comets, if they collided with Earth and melted, would
provide enough water to fill Lake Erie,
another 240 would be needed to fill Lake Superior, and about 7 million
would be necessary to fill the Atlantic
Ocean. That so many millions of large comets would have impacted Earth seems not very likely, but comets may well
have been the source of a great
deal of the water on Earth.

Dec 22, 2012
The most severe earthquake in recorded American history
The New
Madrid earthquakes (a series of quakes starting on December 16, 1811, and lasting
until March 1812) are considered to be the most severe earthquake event in United
States history. It shook
more than two-thirds of the United States and was felt in Canada. It changed the level of land by as
much as 20 feet, altered the course of the Mississippi River, and created new
lakes, such as Lake St. Francis west of the Mississippi and Reelfoot Lake in
Tennessee. Because the area was so sparsely populated, no known loss of life
occurred. (The Handy Science Answer Book, compiled by the Science and
Technology department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh)
Dec 21, 2012
Endangered Species Worldwide
In 2010, the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(I.U.C.N.) issued its updated list of threatened species of animals and plants
worldwide, the "Red List" (www.iucnredlist.org). Species judged as
"critically endangered," (with population declines of at least 80 percent),"endangered,"
or "vulnerable," are regarded as threatened with extinction. The Red
List contained 9,618 species of animals and 12,914 species of plants in 2010. These
include 21 percent (more than one in five) of mammalian species described and
12.4 percent (one in eight) of bird species. The list includes 8,724 threatened
plants, but because only about 4 percent of plant species have been evaluated for
threat, the number actually endangered is believed to be much larger. Although
the endangered species include plants and animals of every type, the growing
list of endangered mammals (for example, the great panda, the Siberian tiger,
and orangutans), has caught the attention of the general public. Overall 1,131
mammalian species, large and small, were considered threatened in 2010.
Dec 20, 2012
Oil Deposits in North America
Some of North America’s richest known offshore oil deposits
are in the Gulf of Mexico. (National Geographic)
Dec 19, 2012
Cleaner Wrasse

Dec 18, 2012
Human heartbeat rate compared with that of other mammals
Heartbeats per minute
Large dog
Small dog
(The Handy Science Answer Book, compiled by the Science and Technology department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh)
Dec 17, 2012
Viruses are infectious agents found in virtually all life forms, including humans, animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria. Viruses consist of genetic material—either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA)—surrounded by a protective coating of protein, called a capsid, with or without an outer lipid envelope. Viruses are between 20 and 100 times smaller than bacteria and hence are too small to be seen by light microscopy. Viruses vary in size from the largest poxviruses of about 450 nanometers (about 0.000014 in) in length to the smallest polioviruses of about 30 nanometers (about 0.000001 in). Viruses are not considered free-living, since they cannot reproduce outside of a living cell; they have evolved to transmit their genetic information from one cell to another for the purpose of replication.
Dec 16, 2012
The intricate structure of the Helix Nebula – seen in January 2012
A new infrared
picture reveals the intricate structure of the Helix Nebula, the rust-colored
remains of a star like our sun that puffed up as it died and shed its shells of
gas and dust into space. These thin clouds of molecular gas are difficult to see in visible light, but infrared
detectors can pick them out, and they show up in the new image as a dark red
haze. The Helix Nebula is a complex object composed of dust, ionized material
and molecular gas, arrayed in an intricate, flower-like pattern.
The dying star at the heart of the Helix Nebula is evolving to become a white dwarf, a shrunken, super-dense object that can pack a sun's worth of material into a sphere the size of Earth. The star is visible as a tiny blue dot at the center of the picture.
The main ring of the Helix is about 2 light-years across, roughly equivalent to half the distance between our sun and its closest star. However, wispy material from the nebula spreads out at least 4 light-years into space from the central star.
In visible light, fine details in the Helix are largely obscured by dust. But the infrared view—snapped by the European Southern Observatory's VISTA telescope—can pierce this veil to see radiating filaments of cooler gas in the rings as well as a faint halo of thinly spread gas that extends to at least four light-years from the dead star's core.
The dying star at the heart of the Helix Nebula is evolving to become a white dwarf, a shrunken, super-dense object that can pack a sun's worth of material into a sphere the size of Earth. The star is visible as a tiny blue dot at the center of the picture.
The main ring of the Helix is about 2 light-years across, roughly equivalent to half the distance between our sun and its closest star. However, wispy material from the nebula spreads out at least 4 light-years into space from the central star.
In visible light, fine details in the Helix are largely obscured by dust. But the infrared view—snapped by the European Southern Observatory's VISTA telescope—can pierce this veil to see radiating filaments of cooler gas in the rings as well as a faint halo of thinly spread gas that extends to at least four light-years from the dead star's core.
Dec 15, 2012
Our Immune System
The immune system protects the
body from invaders, such as viruses and bacteria. The system includes
the lymphatic system and various white blood cells (WBCs).
Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system has a network of vessels that drain intracellular fluid from the intracellular space and return it to the blood. The lymph vessels are not connected to the heart and do not benefit from its contraction. They, like many veins, are embedded in skeletal muscle and rely on muscle contractions to move the lymphatic fluid (intracellular fluid inside lymph vessels). Also like veins, lymph vessels contain valves that prevent backflow. The lymph vessels deliver the fluid into large veins inthe chest, where the fluid again becomes part of the blood.
Connected to lymph vessels are small masses of spongy tissue called lymph nodes, which remove contaminants such as bacteria and dead cells from lymphatic fluid. In addition, the nodes are homes for certain types of white blood cells (WBCs).
White blood cells
A healthy human typically has 5,000 to 9,000 WBCs per milliliter of blood. When bacteria or other foreign particles are present, however, WBCs rapidly proliferate. Unlike RBCs (red blood cells), WBCs can move on their own; they frequently pass through the walls of blood vessels and go into intercellular space and the lymphatic system in search of invaders.
Lymphatic system
The lymphatic system has a network of vessels that drain intracellular fluid from the intracellular space and return it to the blood. The lymph vessels are not connected to the heart and do not benefit from its contraction. They, like many veins, are embedded in skeletal muscle and rely on muscle contractions to move the lymphatic fluid (intracellular fluid inside lymph vessels). Also like veins, lymph vessels contain valves that prevent backflow. The lymph vessels deliver the fluid into large veins inthe chest, where the fluid again becomes part of the blood.
Connected to lymph vessels are small masses of spongy tissue called lymph nodes, which remove contaminants such as bacteria and dead cells from lymphatic fluid. In addition, the nodes are homes for certain types of white blood cells (WBCs).
White blood cells
A healthy human typically has 5,000 to 9,000 WBCs per milliliter of blood. When bacteria or other foreign particles are present, however, WBCs rapidly proliferate. Unlike RBCs (red blood cells), WBCs can move on their own; they frequently pass through the walls of blood vessels and go into intercellular space and the lymphatic system in search of invaders.
Dec 14, 2012
The father of medicine

Dec 13, 2012
Kites used for military purposes
From early times kites have been more than toys. They have
had many practical uses. Some uses were military. About 500 A.D. one Chinese
emperor used kites to signal his soldiers. The soldiers would work on nearby
farms until they saw the kites flying above the emperor's palace. This was a
signal that they should rush to the palace to help defend it against enemies
seen approaching on the horizon.
During the American Civil War in the 1860's, the Union used
kites to scatter leaflets over Confederate troops. The leaflets urged the
Confederates to surrender, promising them amnesty if they would lay down their
arms. During the Boer War in South Africa in the late 1890's, large kites were
used to carry British soldiers over the fighting front to observe the enemy.
During World Wars I and II, kites were used to disable enemy aircraft. (Grolier Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia)

Dec 12, 2012
Spider Webs: Strong as Steel

People have never been able to make a material with all the wonderful properties of natural spider silk. But now, using new techniques, researchers are trying to produce the silk commercially. If they succeed, spider silk may one day be used in everything from bullet-proof vests to stockings.
Silken Nets
Spiders are hunters that catch and eat insects. (Spiders themselves aren't insects. They belong to a group called the arachnids, which also includes scorpions and ticks.) All spiders have special glands that produce spider silk, which is a protein. The silk is spun by being forced out as a liquid through tiny fingerlike organs called spinnerets. The liquid hardens into fine, tough threads after hitting the air.
Most spiders use their silk to build webs that will capture their prey. And there are almost as many different kinds of webs as there are different kinds of spiders. Some webs consist of just a strand or two of silk; others are a jumbled tangle of threads. Some spiders spin broad sheets that hang horizontally in bushes and trees. Still others construct tunnel-like traps of silk.
Dec 11, 2012
The first leap year
The first leap year was 46 B.C. It was then that the Julian calendar of 36S.2S days was adopted.
The calendar required that an extra day be added every fourth year. (The Book
of Answers, by Barbara Berliner)
Dec 10, 2012
Einstein's Early Years

Because his father was an electrical engineer with a manufacturing business in Munich, Einstein was exposed to science at an early age. The needle of his father's compass held particular interest for him. He understood intuitively that if two objects were in contact, one could exert a force upon the other. But the idea that the earth could exert a force upon the compass needle without touching it amazed him.
When Einstein was ten years old, a family friend introduced him to some important texts on math and science, and Einstein began studying them, teaching himself geometry and calculus. Particularly important was his study of logic, especially the deductive reasoning associated with Euclidean geometry. Deductive reasoning is the process by which one moves from general premises to specific conclusions. To create his system of geometry, Euclid began with a set of statements, called postulates, that he asserted as true, even though they were unprovable. From these, Euclid made a series of deductions to arrive at his theorems. If one accepts the truth of the postulates that form the basis of the system, then the theorems must also be true because they follow logically from the postulates. Einstein used a similar method when developing his own work on relativity.
Dec 9, 2012
Characteristics of the Sun
Mean distance from Earth: 92,960,000 mi. (149,600,000 km)
Distance from center of Milky Way galaxy: 27,710 light-years
Period of rotation: 25.45 days at 16' longitude
Inclination (relative to Earth's orbit): 7.25°
Equatorial diameter: 865,000 mi. (1,392,000 km)
Diameter relative to Earth: 109.2 times
Distance from center of Milky Way galaxy: 27,710 light-years
Period of rotation: 25.45 days at 16' longitude
Inclination (relative to Earth's orbit): 7.25°
Equatorial diameter: 865,000 mi. (1,392,000 km)
Diameter relative to Earth: 109.2 times
Mass: 2.192XI0(to the power 27) tons, (1.9891XI0 [to the
power 30] kg)
Mass converted to energy each second: 9,500 million pounds (4,300 million kg)
Surface gravity relative to Earth's: 28 times
Temperature at core: 28,280,000°F (15,710,000°C)
Temperature at bottom of photosphere: 12,4oo°F (6,900'C)
Main components: Hydrogen and helium
Present age: 4.6 billion years
Expected future life of hydrogen fuel supply: 6.4 billion years (New York Times ‘Guide to Essential Knowledge’)
Mass converted to energy each second: 9,500 million pounds (4,300 million kg)
Surface gravity relative to Earth's: 28 times
Temperature at core: 28,280,000°F (15,710,000°C)
Temperature at bottom of photosphere: 12,4oo°F (6,900'C)
Main components: Hydrogen and helium
Present age: 4.6 billion years
Expected future life of hydrogen fuel supply: 6.4 billion years (New York Times ‘Guide to Essential Knowledge’)
Dec 8, 2012
How long have humans been on Earth?

One of the earliest defining human traits, bipedalism—walking on two legs, as the primary form of locomotion—evolved more than 4 million years ago. Other important human characteristics—such as a large and complex brain, the ability to make and use tools, and the capacity for language—developed more recently. Many advanced traits—including complex symbolic expression, such as art, and elaborate cultural diversity—emerged mainly during the last 100,000 years. It is estimated that our ancestors lived between 8 million and 5 million years ago.
Dec 7, 2012
Fire Ants creating survival rafts

Colonies of as many as 200,000 ants can form rafts measuring up to two feet wide. And in a remarkable feat of swarm intelligence that helps maintain the raft's integrity, ants on the bottom quickly move on top when others succumb to encounters with debris, predators, or swift currents. Scientists believe that studying this superorganism could provide new insights into micro-robotics and improved water repellency. (Adapted from National Geographic)
Dec 6, 2012
The largest nerve in the body

Dec 5, 2012
Some insights gained from life …
Q: It is known as "the most destructive habit." … A: Worry
Q: This action provides the "the greatest Joy." … A: Giving
Q: What is the "the greatest loss?" … A: Loss of self-respect
Q: This type of work is known as "the most satisfying work.” …A: Helping others
Q: What is the “ugliest personality trait?" …A: Selfishness
Q: This species is known as "the most endangered species." …A: Dedicated leaders
Q: What is "our greatest natural resource?" …A: Our youth
Q: This activity is known as "the greatest "shot in the arm." …A: Encouragement
Q: This obstacle is known as "The greatest problem to overcome." …A: Fear
Q: What is the “most effective sleeping pill?" …A: Peace of mind
Q: What is the "most crippling failure disease?" …A: Excuses
Q: This force is known as "The most powerful force in life." …A: Love
Q: This person is known as "the one who is cast out or refused acceptance as a member of the society." …A: Gossiper
Q: It is known as "The world's most incredible computer." …A: Human brain
Q: It is known to be "The worst thing to be without." …A: Hope
Q: It is known as the "The deadliest weapon." …A: The tongue
Q: What are the "two most power-filled words?" …A: "I Can"
Q: What is the “greatest asset" that a person can have? …A: Faith
Q: What is the "most worthless emotion?" …A: Self-pity
Q: What is the "most beautiful attire?" …A: Smile!
Q: What is a person's "most prized possession?" …A: Integrity
Q: This method of communication is known as "The most powerful channel of communication." …A: Prayer
Q: What is the "most contagious spirit" that a person can have? …A: Enthusiasm (Internet Sources)
Q: This action provides the "the greatest Joy." … A: Giving
Q: What is the "the greatest loss?" … A: Loss of self-respect
Q: This type of work is known as "the most satisfying work.” …A: Helping others
Q: What is the “ugliest personality trait?" …A: Selfishness
Q: This species is known as "the most endangered species." …A: Dedicated leaders
Q: What is "our greatest natural resource?" …A: Our youth
Q: This activity is known as "the greatest "shot in the arm." …A: Encouragement
Q: This obstacle is known as "The greatest problem to overcome." …A: Fear
Q: What is the “most effective sleeping pill?" …A: Peace of mind
Q: What is the "most crippling failure disease?" …A: Excuses
Q: This force is known as "The most powerful force in life." …A: Love
Q: This person is known as "the one who is cast out or refused acceptance as a member of the society." …A: Gossiper
Q: It is known as "The world's most incredible computer." …A: Human brain
Q: It is known to be "The worst thing to be without." …A: Hope
Q: It is known as the "The deadliest weapon." …A: The tongue
Q: What are the "two most power-filled words?" …A: "I Can"
Q: What is the “greatest asset" that a person can have? …A: Faith
Q: What is the "most worthless emotion?" …A: Self-pity
Q: What is the "most beautiful attire?" …A: Smile!
Q: What is a person's "most prized possession?" …A: Integrity
Q: This method of communication is known as "The most powerful channel of communication." …A: Prayer
Q: What is the "most contagious spirit" that a person can have? …A: Enthusiasm (Internet Sources)
Dec 4, 2012
Before Earth

The core of this argument, the heavy-element evidence, requires a little chemistry and some astrophysics to understand. We'll begin with the basic unit of matter, the atom, and its component parts: protons, electrons, and neutrons. Electrons, which have a negative charge, orbit the nucleus of the atom, where the protons and neutrons reside. Because protons have a positive charge, they would repel one another when grouped together unless buffered by neutrons, which have no charge and act as glue.
The simplest atom, consisting of a single electron orbiting a single proton, is elemental hydrogen. The next step up, elemental helium, consists of two electrons orbiting a nucleus with two protons and two neutrons. Elemental carbon has six electrons, six protons, and six neutrons.
In the early universe, the first and most abundant element was hydrogen. Initially, the hydrogen was probably evenly distributed, but over time it began to clump, the result of random motion and the attractive force of gravity. Eventually, some of these clumps became dense enough for nuclear fusion to begin. (This is the process by which stars "burn" matter to produce energy.)
Dec 3, 2012
Myth and Folklore: Do any animals besides black cats supposedly bring bad fortune?
Dec 2, 2012
Fight between a dominant stallion and a male rival
The dominant
stallion fights off one of the frequent and aggressive thrusts of a colt which
irrevocably tries to take over stallion's natural position in their herd. This
depicts internal conflict between stallions and colts where the latter tries to
win the primacy in the herd of all the mares. In a word, this gives us an
impression of the survival of species and their internal conflicts which result
in a perfect harmony of natural hierarchy. Those horses allow us to see their
strength which is necessary for survival in a dangerous coexistence with wild
animals and their frequent attacks. (National Geographic)
Dec 1, 2012
What kind of calendar do we use - the Julian or the Gregorian?
Most of the world's non-Muslim countries use the Gregorian calendar,
introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 as a reform of the Julian calendar.
(The latter, instituted by Julius Caesar, had been in use since 46 B.C.) Americans have used the Gregorian calendar
since 1752.
What is the difference?
The principal difference between the two calendars is that in the Gregorian system a century year must be divisible by 400 in order to qualify as a leap year (e.g., A.D. 2000 is a leap year but not A.D. 1900). For each century that is not divisible by 400, the Julian calendar falls one day behind the Gregorian calendar. Thus, by 1542, October 4 on the Julian calendar was equivalent to October 15 on the Gregorian calendar. (The Book of Answers, by Barbara Berliner)
What is the difference?
The principal difference between the two calendars is that in the Gregorian system a century year must be divisible by 400 in order to qualify as a leap year (e.g., A.D. 2000 is a leap year but not A.D. 1900). For each century that is not divisible by 400, the Julian calendar falls one day behind the Gregorian calendar. Thus, by 1542, October 4 on the Julian calendar was equivalent to October 15 on the Gregorian calendar. (The Book of Answers, by Barbara Berliner)
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