
Sep 20, 2015

American Wars – battle deaths and cost

The cost (in 2008 dollars) and the numbers of American casualties in various wars:

American Revolution (1775-1783): $1.825 billion; between 4,400 and 6,800 battle deaths
War of 1812 (1812-1815): $1.177 billion; 2,260 battle deaths
Mexican War (1846-1849): $1.801 billion; 1,733 battle deaths
Civil War - Union (1861-1865): $45.199 billion; 140,414 battle deaths
Civil War - Confederacy (1861-1865): $15.244 billion; 94,000 battle deaths
Spanish-American War (1898-1899): $6.848 billion; 385 battle deaths
World War I (1917-1918): $253 billion; 53,513 battle deaths
World War II (1941-1945): $4.114 trillion; 292,131 battle deaths
Korean War (1950-1953): $320 billion; 33,629 battle deaths
Vietnam War (1965-1975): $686 billion; 47,393 battle deaths
Persian Gulf War (1990-1991): $96 billion; 146 battle deaths
Afghanistan War (2001- ): $321.3 billion; 906 battle deaths
Iraq War (2003- ): $739.8 billion; 3,489 battle deaths

The costs do not include veterans' benefits, war debts, or assistance to our allies; casualties do not include civilians, noncombat deaths, those wounded or missing in action. (Information for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is correct as of August 5, 2010.) 
- Kee Malesky  (‘All Facts Considered’)