"...look into all things with a searching eye” - Baha'u'llah (Prophet Founder of the Baha'i Faith)
Apr 26, 2014
Ben-Gurion -- Israel's "founding father" and first Prime Minister

Apr 19, 2014
The Great Wall of China
Great Wall (China), popular name for a semi-legendary wall
built to protect China’s northern border in the 3rd century BC, and for
impressive stone and earthen fortifications built along a different northern
border in the 15th and 16th centuries AD, long after the ancient structure had
disappeared. Ruins of the later wall are found today along former border areas
from Bo Hai (a gulf of the Yellow Sea) in the east to Gansu Province in the
west. The Great Wall is visited often near Beijing, at a site called
Ju-yong-guan, and at its eastern and western extremes.
Perhaps China's best known monument—even national symbol—the
Great Wall is not what most people imagine it to be. The existing wall is not
several thousand years old, nor is it, as is widely asserted, visible from
outer space (astronauts confirm this). Indeed, the Great Wall is not even a
single, continuous structure. Rather, it consists of a network of walls and
towers that leaves the frontier open in places.
Apr 12, 2014
Colonial America: 1492-1763
European nations came to the Americas to increase their
wealth and broaden their influence over world affairs. The Spanish were among
the first Europeans to explore the New World and the first to settle in what is
now the United States.
By 1650, however, England had established a dominant
presence on the Atlantic coast. The first colony was founded at Jamestown,
Virginia, in 1607. Many of the people who settled in the New World came to
escape religious persecution. The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth,
Massachusetts, arrived in 1620. In both Virginia and Massachusetts, the
colonists flourished with some assistance from Native Americans. New World
grains such as corn kept the colonists from starving while, in Virginia,
tobacco provided a valuable cash crop. By the early 1700s enslaved Africans
made up a growing percentage of the colonial population. By 1770, more than 2
million people lived and worked in Great Britain's 13 North American colonies ( http://www.americaslibrary.gov/)
Apr 5, 2014
September 30, 1882: The World's First Hydroelectric Power Plant Began Operation

Unlike Edison's New York
plant which used steam power to drive its generators, the Appleton plant used
the natural energy of the Fox River. When the plant opened, it produced enough
electricity to light Rogers's home, the plant itself, and a nearby building.
Hydroelectric power plants of today generate a lot more electricity. By the
early 20th century, these plants produced a significant portion of the
country's electric energy. The cheap electricity provided by the plants spurred
industrial growth in many regions of the country. To get even more power out of
the flowing water, the government started building dams.
In 1933, the U.S. government
established the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which introduced
hydroelectric power plants to the South's troubled Tennessee River Valley. The
TVA built dams, managed flood control and soil conservation programs, and more.
It greatly boosted the region's economy. And this development happened in other
places as well. Soon, people across the country were enjoying electricity in
homes, schools, and offices, reading by electric lamp instead of candlelight or
kerosene. New electricity-powered technologies entered American homes,
including electric refrigerators and stoves, radios, televisions, and can
openers. Today, people take electricity for granted, not able to imagine life
without it. (http://www.americaslibrary.gov/)
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