
Mar 23, 2013

Staying healthy is not all about eating your vegetables -- though that certainly helps

The prevention experts remind us to also pay attention to the following points with respect to our lifestyle:
  • Believe in something good.
  • Focus on a higher sense of purpose.
  • Develop your unique potential.
  • Eat less, exercise more, and have fun.
  • Love the ones you're with (spouse, children, extended family, faith family, neighbors, co-workers, community members).
  • Achieve balance in your life.
  • Exercise every day, eat a well-balanced diet, maintain meaningful social interactions and relationships, and choose work that is important to you.
  • Find meaning in your life.
  • Get eight hours or more of sleep a day.
  • Manage stress and enjoy your friends.
  • Stay positive and have a family physician who helps you to prevent disease and improve health. (Simple Health Secrets)