
Feb 17, 2013

Stress Rating Scale

Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine developed this scale for ranking stressful events in a person's life. The higher the total score accumulated in the preceding year, the more likely there will be a serious illness in the immediate future.

Death of spouse=100
Divorce = 73
Marital separation = 65
Jail term =63
Death of close family member = 63
Personal injury or illness = 53
Marriage = 50
Fired from work = 47
Marital reconciliation = 45
Retirement = 45
Change in family member's health = 44
Pregnancy = 40
Sex difficulties = 39
Addition to family = 39
Business readjustment = 39
Change in financial status = 38
Death of close friend = 37
 Change to different line of work = 36 Change in number of marital arguments = 36
Mortgage or loan over $10,000 = 31
Foreclosure of mortgage or loan = 30
Change in work responsibilities = 29
Son or daughter leaving home = 29
Trouble with in-laws = 29
Outstanding personal achievement = 28
Spouse begins or stops work = 26
Starting or finishing school = 26
Change in living conditions = 25
Revision of personal habits = 24
Trouble with boss = 23
Change in work hours, conditions = 20
Change in residence = 20
Change in schools = 20
Change in recreational habits = 19
Change in church activities = 19
Change in social activities = 18
Mortgage or loan under $10,000 = 17
Change in sleeping habits = 16
Change in number of family gatherings = 15
Change in eating habits = 15
Vacation = 13
Christmas season = 12
Minor violation of the law = 11
(‘The Complete Guide to Your Emotions and Your Health’, by Emrika Padus and staff of Prevention magazine)