(The New Book of Knowledge encyclopedia)
Discovering Something New -- ongoing learning
"...look into all things with a searching eye” - Baha'u'llah (Prophet Founder of the Baha'i Faith)
Jun 9, 2019
May 15, 2019
Apr 11, 2019
Mar 17, 2019
Feb 15, 2019
Diversity of language in Africa
There is more diversity in Africa than on all the other continents combined. That’s because modem humans originated in Africa and have
lived there the longest. They’ve had ime to evolve enormous genetic
diversity—which extends to skin color. Researchers who study it sometimes use
Africa’s linguistic diversity—it has more than 2,000 languages —as a guide. “There
is no homogeneous African race,’’ says geneticist Sarah Tishkoff of the
University of Pennsylvania. “It doesn’t exist.’’ The prehistoric humans who
left Africa some 60,000 years ago—giving rise over time to the other peoples of
the world—reflected only a fraction of Africa’s diversity.
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Language diversity of continental Africa. Each dot represent a distinct language |
Geographic, April 2019)
Jan 5, 2019
Dec 12, 2018
1946 Palestine: Singing, Shouting Fugitives from Concentration Camps March Through Barbed Wire with Delight
These men smuggled themselves into the hands of Palestine
authorities. At 'Atlit tamp, near Haifa, they had to remain until the quota
system -- 1500 immigrants, a month -- certified them. They carry the Star of
David, their national flag. A few bundles represent their only possessions.
Senior prisoners and Palestine police (caps) watch the parade. Men’s quarters
(right) and women’s are separated; the sexes are allowed to mix during the day.
(National Geographic, October 1946)
Nov 10, 2018
Father of scientific racism
(Skulls from the collection of Samuel Morton, the father of scientific racism, illustrate his classification of people into five races—which arose, he claimed, from separate acts of creation. From left to right: a black woman and a white man, both American; an indigenous man from Mexico; a Chinese woman; and a Malaysian man.)
In the first half of the 19th century, one of America’s most prominent scientists was a doctor named Samuel Morton. Morton lived in Philadelphia, and he collected skulls. He wasn’t choosy about his suppliers, He accepted skulls scavenged from battlefields and snatched from catacombs. One of his most famous craniums belonged to an Irishman who’d been sent as a convict to Tasmania (and ultimately hanged for killing and eating other convicts). With each skull Morton performed the same procedure: I le stuffed it with pepper seeds—later he switched to lead shot—which he then decanted to ascertain the volume of the braincase.
In the first half of the 19th century, one of America’s most prominent scientists was a doctor named Samuel Morton. Morton lived in Philadelphia, and he collected skulls. He wasn’t choosy about his suppliers, He accepted skulls scavenged from battlefields and snatched from catacombs. One of his most famous craniums belonged to an Irishman who’d been sent as a convict to Tasmania (and ultimately hanged for killing and eating other convicts). With each skull Morton performed the same procedure: I le stuffed it with pepper seeds—later he switched to lead shot—which he then decanted to ascertain the volume of the braincase.
Morton believed that people could be divided into five races
and that these represented separate acts of creation. The races had distinct
characters, which corresponded to their place in a divinely determined
hierarchy. Morton’s “craniometry" showed, he claimed, that whites, or
"Caucasians." were the most intelligent of the races, East
Asians—Morton used the term “Mongolian"— though "ingenious” and
"susceptible of cultivation," were one step down. Next came Southeast
Asians, followed by Native Americans. Blacks, or "Ethiopians," were
at the bottom. In the decades before the Civil War. Morton’s ideas were quickly
taken up by the defenders of slavery.
Oct 19, 2018
circa 1920s: Tehran, Persia - a description by a foreign diplomat
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Tehran 1930s |
Sep 10, 2018
Aug 20, 2018
Jul 18, 2018
The "astronomical" theory: Next Ice Age?

It's not hard to see how an ice age is caused by a
temperature drop, creating summers cool enough that the previous winter's snow
never melts. Several seasons' snows accumulate and compact to form glaciers.
But what turns down the thermostat? The cold facts have been hotly debated, but
the theory most widely accepted - the "astronomical" theory - states
that three periodic changes in the earth's position relative to the sun seem to
have launched ice ages by influencing the amount of solar radiation the earth
Because of the gravitational pull of the sun and moon on the
equator, the earth wobbles on its axis like a toy top slowing down. Every
22,000 years or so, it describes a circle in space. The axis also tilts,
causing the seasons. When the North Pole tips away from the sun, it's winter in
the Northern Hemisphere. Today, the angle of tilt is 23 ½ degrees but every
41,000 years it moves from 22 to 24 degrees and back again. Perhaps the most
important cycle is a change in the shape of the earth's orbit - from nearly
circular to highly elliptical and back to circular - every 100,000 years due to
the gravitational tug of fellow planets. The combined effect of these three
cycles is to place the earth farther away from the sun at certain times, cooling
the planet into an ice age.
Jun 9, 2018
A Helping Hand
Staphylococus epidermidis is a common form of bacteria found on human skin. Invisible to the eye, bacteria are revealed when a handprint made in agar gel (above) is cultured in a laboratory.
The surface of human skin is crowded with bacteria that would, if your immune system allowed it, cause serious infection. But researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have discovered that one bacterium in that mix, Staphylococcus epidermidis (a close cousin of methicillin-resistant S. aureus, or MRSA) may actually help fine-tune the immune system. To do its good work, S. epidermidis deploys a molecule that blocks aggressive inflammatory agents. If unchecked, those agents would ignite a rashy reaction around even a minor scrape. Good staph stays good only if locked outside by the skin's multiple defenses, though. Give that germ a way into a weakened body - like a ride on a surgical implant - and it can ignite a potentially fatal infection.
(National Geographic, June 2011)
May 16, 2018
The Andes: Earth's longest mountain range - 5500 miles
The 5500-mile-long Andes of South America would stretch from San Francisco to London. Only the Himalaya reach higher than these snowy peaks.
(National Geographic, Feb. 2001)
Apr 5, 2018
Mar 16, 2018
2007: Space Trash and Treasure
Even a tiny paint flake left floating in orbit can pit the
window of a space shuttle traveling 17,500 miles an hour. To avoid catastrophic
collisions, the Department of Defense tracks pieces of orbiting space junk
larger than two inches. Debris orbiting relatively close to Earth, such as a
glove that drifted away in 1965 from Edward White or an eyebolt shaken loose
from a solar panel on a Russian spacecraft in 2004, quickly burn up in the
atmosphere. Items in higher orbit remain aloft for generations: The Vanguard 1
satellite will fly for centuries. Space agencies are pondering ways to sweep
such junk out of the path of collision. Meanwhile, Australian archaeologist
Alice Gorman is lobbying for the creation of an international treaty that would
designate certain satellites, such as the Vanguard 1, as treasures of cultural
heritage. One day, she says, they may even beckon space tourists.
(National Geographic,
Jan. 2007)
Feb 10, 2018
A Tale of Three Humans
A third kind of human, called Denisovans, seems to have
coexisted in Asia with Neanderthals and early modern humans. The latter two are
known from abundant fossils and artifacts. Denisovans are defined so far only
by the DNA from one bone chip and two teeth – but it reveals a new twist to the
human story.
(National Geographic, July 2013)
(National Geographic, July 2013)
Jan 17, 2018
Zoroastrian Tower of Silence
Iran – Visitors inspect a ruined dakhma, or tower of
silence, near Yazd. In the Zoroastrian tradition, dead bodies – believed to be
in danger of contamination – were left on those raised, circular structures, to
be purified by vultures and the elements.
(National Geographic, July 2013)
(National Geographic, July 2013)
Jan 10, 2018
Oct 23, 2017
Bats - the only mammals that fly

Bats are mammals. They are the only mammals that fly. There
are nearly 1,000 species of bats. They are found in all kinds of habitats. Bats
live in tropical rain forests. They live in climates so cold that trees won’t
grow there. Unlike other mammals, when bats rest they lower their body
temperature to save energy. In very cold weather, they hibernate.
A bat’s wings are made of two layers of skin. The wings are
supported by bones like those in a human hand. The thumbs have claws and lie
outside the wings. The bat uses them to cling to the places where it roosts.
These may be trees, caves, or even buildings. Muscles attached to the wings
power the bat’s flight.
Bats come in many sizes. The largest is the Malayan flying
fox. It is 16 inches (41 centimeters) long. Its wings span 5.6 feet (1.7
meters). The Kitti’s hog-nosed bat is the smallest of all mammals. It’s about
an inch (3 centimeters) long—the size of a bumblebee—and is also known as the
bumblebee bat.
Oct 10, 2017
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An imagining of Idris visiting Heaven and Hell |
He is described in the Qur'an as "trustworthy" and
"patient" and the Qur'an also says that he was "exalted to a
high station", Because of this and other parallels, traditionally Idris
has been identified with the Biblical Enoch, and Islamic tradition usually
places Idris in the early Generations of Adam, and considers him one of the
oldest prophets mentioned in the Qur'an, placing him sometime between Adam and
Noah. Idris' unique status inspired many future traditions and stories
surrounding him in Islamic lore.
According to a hadith [tradition], … it is said that on
Muhammad's Night Journey, he encountered Idris in the fourth heaven. The
traditions that have developed around the figure of Idris have given him the
scope of a prophet as well as a philosopher and mystic, and many later Muslim
mystic or Sufis… also mentioned having encountered Idris in their spiritual
(Adapted from Wikipedia Encyclopedia)
Sep 26, 2017
1975: Live from New York – It’s Saturday Night

(National Geographic Eye Witness to
the 20th Century)
Sep 9, 2017
1960: Jane Goodall’s World

"I cannot remember a time when I did not want to go to Africa
to study animals," she said in her first National Geographic article,
published in August 1963. "Therefore, after leaving school, I saved up the
fare and went to Nairobi, Kenya."
Dr. Louis Leakey asked her if she would consider doing a field
study of chimpanzees. She leaped at the challenge and spent the next 19 months
hunting down grants. When the Kenyan authorities expressed reservations about
sending a single white woman into the bush alone, Goodall's mother joined her.
The women set off for Lake Tanganyika in pursuit of their furry subjects. They
found many. Goodall spent hours sitting quietly, trying to gain the animals'
"To be accepted ... by a group of wild chimpanzees is
the result of months of patience ... ," she wrote. "At last I sat
among them, enjoying a degree of acceptance that I had hardly dreamed possible
.... Most astonishing of all, I saw chimpanzees fashion and use crude
implements - the beginnings of tool use. This discovery could prove helpful to
those studying man's rise to dominance over other primates."
(Adapted from
National Geographic: ‘The 20th Century’)
Aug 16, 2017
Jul 17, 2017
Incorporation of America – the Great Merger Movement
Having survived the many hardships of the 19th century -
including a wrenching Civil War at mid-century and, in the last decade,
economic depression and labor unrest in both city and countryside - Americans
breathed a sigh of relief in the new century. For the most part, the first 10
years of the 20th century were a time of prosperity. The Cake Walk was the
fashionable dance, prepared foods such as dressed beef and tinned ham were
making their appearance in markets, and, three years into the new century,
Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company. As the decade progressed, the
automobile began to reach a mass audience, as did electricity, radio, and the
telephone - all of them inventions and discoveries that would simultaneously
shrink distance and transform society. Yet even as the American people gazed in
wonder at the various technological achievements they associated with the rise
of Big Business, they found themselves uneasy at what scholar Alan Trachtenberg
has characterized as the rapid "Incorporation of America." Indeed,
the ascendancy of large corporations to economic, political, and even cultural
dominance would be one of the defining themes of the century itself.
Corporations were vigorously swallowing up not only their smaller competitors
but each other as well. Between 1897 and 1904, the so-called Great Merger
Movement created companies of almost undreamed of size and scale. In the early
1890s, for example, it was rare for a corporation to be worth more than ten
million dollars. A decade later, almost 200 corporations were capitalized at
that value. The top one percent of companies employed more than a quarter of
all workers in the country. If Americans hadn't known it before, they knew it
now: This was the age of Big Business.
Jun 14, 2017
May 16, 2017
Participants in World War I
Map of the world with the participants in World War I in
1917. Allies are in green, the Central Powers in orange and neutral countries
in grey.
Apr 5, 2017
Where did the term marathon come from?
The 1896 Olympic Games featured the first Olympic marathon,
which followed the 25-mile route run by the Greek soldier who brought news of a
victory over the Persians from Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C. Fittingly,
Greece's Spyridon Louis won the first gold medal in the event. In 1924, the
distance would be standardized to 26 miles and 385 yards.
Mar 28, 2017
Mar 18, 2017
Seneca Falls Convention 1848 – first US women’s rights convention

Mar 6, 2017
Saturn – one of its moons is bigger than Mercury
Like fellow gas giant Jupiter, Saturn is a massive ball of
mostly hydrogen and helium. Surrounding by 53 confirmed and nine provisional
moons, Saturn is home to some of the most fascinating landscapes in our solar
system. Like Jupiter, Saturn is mostly made of hydrogen and helium, the same
two main components that make up the sun. Saturn rotates in the same direction
as the Earth, which is west to east, but it does this far faster than Earth,
spinning around once in just 10.7 hours. While the days on Saturn are short,
the years are long. The sixth planet from the sun takes 29 Earth years, or
10,756 Earth days, to complete one revolution around the sun. As a gas giant,
Saturn doesn't have a true surface. The planet is mostly swirling gases and
liquids. While a spacecraft would have nowhere to land on Saturn, it wouldn't
be able to fly through unscathed either. The extreme pressures and temperatures
deep inside the planet would crush, melt and vaporize a metal spacecraft trying
to fly through the planet. Like Jupiter, Saturn is made mostly of hydrogen and
helium. At Saturn's center is a dense core of rock, ice, water, and other
compounds made solid by the intense pressure and heat. It is enveloped by
liquid metallic hydrogen, inside a layer of liquid hydrogen -- similar to
Jupiter's core but considerably smaller. It's hard to imagine, but Saturn is
the only planet in our solar system that is less dense than water. The giant
gas planet could float in a bathtub -- if such a colossal thing existed.
Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, is a bit bigger than the planet Mercury.
Titan is the second-largest moon in the solar system; only Jupiter's moon
Ganymede is bigger.
(Adapted from Encarta Encyclopedia and NASA site
Feb 14, 2017
Condition of women in the 19th century Islamic world

Another restriction was that women, especially unmarried
girls, were not to talk to men. Neither would they be permitted to go out for
shopping or other services; these were the exclusive preserve of men. Such acts
would have necessitated women taking part in public affairs and coming into
contact with men. So strong was this restriction that if ever a woman was seen
talking to a strange man she would receive very severe punishment from her
parents or husband. The stigma attached to this behaviour was so repugnant that
sometimes the poor victim would commit suicide. Some Muslim clergy in Persia
are known to have inflicted torturous chastisements upon a man who was accused
of talking to a woman. Usually a much more severe punishment awaited a
non-Muslim man if he was found speaking to a Muslim woman.
Jan 11, 2017
World conditions worsened during 1968 and 1969
The years 1968 and 1969 were racked with war, violence,
terrorism, and civil unrest around the world. Wars raged in Vietnam and
Nigeria; Soviet and Chinese troops skirmished in a continuing border dispute;
Soviet troops entered Czechoslovakia to quell a movement toward liberalization;
and El Salvador invaded Honduras. Coups d'etat toppled governments in 'Iraq,
Syria, Sierre Leone, Dahomey, the Congo, Mali, the Sudan, Libya, the
Netherlands Antilles, Peru, Panama, and Bolivia; states of emergency were
declared in Spain, Malaysia, and Chile; violent unrest occurred in West
Germany, Spain, Bombay, Pakistan, Argentina, Kenya, and the United States; and
student protests erupted in Paris, Mexico City, Czechoslovakia, Argentina, and
the United States. United States and Israeli airliners were hijacked, and two
Israeli airliners were attacked by terrorists.
Moreover, a number of leaders were assassinated, including Somalian
president Abdirascid Ali Scermarche; US civil rights leader Martin Luther King,
Jr.; US presidential candidate Robert E. Kennedy; US ambassador to Guatemala
John Gordon Mein; and Mozambique Liberation Front leader Eduardo Chivambo
(Geoffry Marks)
Dec 15, 2016
Hong Kong’s Kowloon Park
The area which was formerly the site of the Whitfield
Barracks of the British Army was developed into a park in 1970. More than 70
buildings were demolished to make way for the park. The first stage of the park
was officially opened on 24 June 1970 by the then Governor of Hong Kong, Sir
David Trench. The first phase comprised 18 acres out of a planned 26 acres. It
featured a floral clock as well as a Chinese garden set within an English
landscape, which a government spokesman called "a reminder of Hong kong's
cosmopolitan cultural heritage." The remaining three stages of the park
development were completed by 1989.
The park houses an indoor sports centre and a large aquatics
centre. The pool complex is the most heavily used in Hong Kong, serving over
2000 swimmers daily. It includes four indoor heated pools, including an Olympic
sized 50-metre main pool. The swimming complex opened on 12 September 1989 and
can accommodate a maximum of 1530 swimmers, and has an annual attendance of
more than 1 million visitors.
One preserved historic barrack is used as a warehouse of
Hong Kong Museum of History. Three other preserved buildings of the former
barracks are used as museums.
(Adapted from Wikipedia)
Nov 24, 2016
1889 Persia: Qajar Kings maintained the threefold functions of government, legislative, executive, and judicial
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Fath-Ali Shah and his sons |
In theory the king may do what he pleases; his word is law.
The saying that ‘The law of the Medes and Persians altereth not’ was merely an
ancient periphrasis for the absolutism of the sovereign. He appoints and he may
dismiss all ministers, officers, officials, and judges. Over his own family and
household, and over the civil or military functionaries in his employ, he has
power of life and death without reference to any tribunal. The property of any
such individual, if disgraced or executed, reverts to him. The right to take
life in any case is vested in him alone, but can be delegated to governors or
deputies. All property, not previously granted by the crown or purchased—all
property, in fact, to which a legal title cannot be established—belongs to him,
and can be disposed of at his pleasure. All rights or privileges, such as the
making of public works, the working of mines, the institution of telegraphs,
roads, railroads, tramways, etc., the exploitation, in fact, of any of the
resources of the country, are vested in him, and must be purchased from him
before they can be assumed by others. In his person are fused the threefold
functions of government, legislative, executive, and judicial. No obligation is
imposed upon him beyond the outward observance of the forms of the national
religion. He is the pivot upon which turns the entire machinery of public life.
Nov 9, 2016
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) - designed to guarantee equal rights for women: Initiated in 1916 was finally approved by US Congress in 1972
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Alice Paul |
A proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United
States to provide for the equality of sexes under the law. The central language
of the amendment states: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied
or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” The ERA
would have made unconstitutional any laws that grant one sex different rights
than the other.
In 1916 Alice Paul, a leader in the suffragist movement,
founded the National Woman's Party (NWP), a political party dedicated to
establishing equal rights for women. Paul viewed equality under the law as the
foundation essential to full equality for women. Along with her colleagues,
Paul began to work on constitutional amendments recognizing equal rights for
women at both state and federal levels. In 1921 various groups, which two years
before had been close allies of the NWP, fiercely opposed the NWP's proposed
language banning “political, civil or legal disabilities or inequalities on
account of sex, or on account of marriage unless applying alike to both sexes.”
Labor organizers and others fighting for women's economic welfare believed this
push for legal equality threatened legislation that had been passed to protect
exploited women working in factories. While Paul was not opposed to improving
oppressive conditions in industry, she and other like-minded women argued that
the laws designed to protect women could be used to restrict their employment
Oct 31, 2016
Madeleine Albright: The first woman to become US Secretary of State

Britannica and Wikipedia)
Oct 24, 2016
Kava – The root of Relaxation
Native to the South Pacific islands, kava root was traditionally
brewed into a drink for royalty. Over time it was taken medicinally to relieve
anxiety, combat fatigue, alleviate weakness, and treat chills and colds. In the
1770s, it was introduced to explorer Captain James Cook, who in turn introduced
it to Europe. Predominately used to relieve tension and anxiety, kava has been
subjected to rigorous clinical trials and shown to be as powerful as
prescription antianxiety drugs. Kava is consumed throughout the Pacific Ocean
cultures of Polynesia, including Hawaii, Vanuatu, Melanesia and some parts of
Micronesia for its sedating effects.
Oct 15, 2016
Mysterious Winds of the Mediterranean
Winds have carried mariners across the seas since before
recorded time. They so affected early seafaring that ancient sailors personalized
them with names and built legends around them. And still today, of course, because
winds influence weather on both a local and global scale, they affect our everyday
Wind Belts
Great belts of wind encircle the Earth. These bands of
global winds and lulls are created by the uneven way in which the Sun heats the
Earth, and by the mixing of air between the equator and the poles. Winds follow
several general patterns within certain zones, or belts. The northeast trades and
the southeast trades blow between 15 and 30 degrees latitude, the westerlies between 45 and 60 degrees latitude,
and the polar northeasterlies and polar southeasterlies between 60 and 90 degrees
Between the wind belts lie zones of still air - the horse
latitudes between 30 and 45 degrees latitude, and the equatorial doldrums, which
cover the area extending 15 degrees north and south of the equator. In the equatorial
latitudes, the Sun's rays are nearly perpendicular to the Earth's surface, while
in higher latitudes, the Sun's rays strike the Earth at an angle. The result is
a greater concentration of solar energy per unit area in the tropics than in
the polar regions, and therefore greater warming in the tropics.
Oct 1, 2016
What are mosquitoes good for?

Mosquitos, like all other life forms, are part of a complex food web.
Many fish feed on mosquito larvae, which are aquatic, and plenty of birds and
spiders and other insects feed on the adults. Dragonflies and damselflies love
mosquitoes. Frogs eat adult mosquitoes, tadpoles eat the larvae.
There isn't much love lost between people and mosquitoes. At the very
least, these bloodthirsty insects are major annoyances, biting us with a
persistence that can be maddening. If insects can be credited with evil intent,
mosquitoes seem determined to wipe the human race out. As carriers of deadly
diseases, mosquitoes are the deadliest insect on Earth. Each year, millions of
people die from malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever after being bitten by a
disease-carrying mosquito. Mosquitoes also carry diseases that pose serious
threats to livestock and pets.
Sep 20, 2016
Ancient bathing – up to about 10th Century
evidence suggests 5,000-yearold bathing facilities in Gaza. Soaplike material found
in clay jars of Babylonian origin has been dated to about 2800 B.C. From before
the time of Abraham in Middle Eastern desert climes, custom dictated that hosts
offer washing water to dusty-footed guests. But one of the first known and indisputable
bathtubs comes from Minoan Crete. Supposedly built for the legendary King Minos
around 1700 B.C. and found in the great palace at Knossos, it's of a shape similar
to modern tubs. Even more impressive is the palace plumbing system that served
the royal tub. Interlocking pieces of terra-cotta pipes-each tapered at one end
to give water a shooting action to prevent the buildup of clogging sediment -- were
jointed and cemented together. Their technology put Minoans in the hydrological
the ancient Egyptians didn't develop such plumbing, they had a penchant for
hygiene, evident in their use of fresh linens and body ointments, skin conditioners
and deodorants of the day. As described in the 1500 B.C. Ebers Papyrus, these
ancients washed, and treated skin diseases with a soapy material made of animal
and vegetable oils and alkaline salts. From bas-reliefs and tomb excavations, there's
evidence that Egyptians sat in a shallow kind of shower bath while attendants poured
water over the bather.
Sep 6, 2016
Who Discovered the Panda?
Until 1869, few had heard of the giant black-and-white creatures hiding in China’s forests. Decades later, pandamania gripped the world.
Though today giant pandas are known and loved worldwide, it wasn’t always so.
Ancient Chinese texts rarely mention the native animals. Westerners first learned of them in 1869 when French missionary Armand David, while in China, laid eyes on a distinctive black-and-white pelt and then bought a complete, dead specimen from local hunters. A zoologist in Paris wrote up the official description of Ailuropoda melanoleuca (literally, “cat foot, black and white”).
In 1929 Chicago’s Field Museum put two mounted pandas on display courtesy of the Roosevelt brothers, Theodore Jr. and Kermit. The two were sons of the 26th U.S. president, whose love of sport hunting ultimately propelled major conservation reforms. With the help of Sichuan Province locals, they brought home the first panda shot by white men for the museum’s new Asian Hall. Their feat prompted copycat expeditions funded by other museums.
Aug 3, 2016
Families work and live at site – a factory in Myanmar
At a brick factory on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar, a
swaddled baby sways in a makeshift hammock. The child’s mother works at the
kiln, where she’s paid for each brick she manufactures. Many families work—and
live—at the site. (National Geographic magazine)
Jul 25, 2016
Jul 18, 2016
Nasir'd-Din Shah - King of Persia 1831-1896
Nasir'd-Din Shah in London at the Garden-Party given at Hatfield House in 1889
(The Illustrated London News May 16, 1896)
(The Illustrated London News May 16, 1896)
Jul 10, 2016
Jul 2, 2016
Fath- ‘Ali Shah - King of Persia 1797-1834

(Adapted from Encyclopedias Britannica and Encarta)
Jun 27, 2016
How Hurricanes Form
Tropical cyclones (hurricanes, typhoons) form and grow over
warm ocean water, drawing their energy from latent heat. Latent heat is the
energy released when water vapor in rising hot, humid air condenses into clouds
and rain. As warmed air rises, more air flows into the area where the air is
rising, creating wind. The Earth’s rotation causes the wind to follow a curved
path over the ocean (the Coriolis effect), which helps give tropical cyclones
their circular appearance.
Hurricanes and tropical cyclones form, maintain their
strength, and grow only when they are over ocean water that is approximately
27°C (80°F). Such warmth causes large amounts of water to evaporate, making the
air very humid. This warm water requirement accounts for the existence of
tropical cyclone seasons, which occur generally during a hemisphere’s summer
and autumn. Because water is slow to warm up and cool down, oceans do not
become warm enough for tropical cyclones to occur in the spring.
Oceans can become warm enough in the summer for hurricanes
to develop, and the oceans also retain summer heat through the fall. As a
result, the hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin, which comprises the
Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico, runs from June 1 through
November 30. At least 25 out-of-season storms, however, have occurred from 1887
through 2003, and 9 of these strengthened into hurricanes for at least a few
Jun 15, 2016
Sperm whales exhibit cultural component to their lives
New ways to grab dinner, the trick to using a tool, and
learning the local dialect. These are behaviors that animals pick up from each
other. Killer whales, chimpanzees, and birds seem to have a cultural component
to their lives. Now a new study suggests that sperm whales should be added to
that list.
The ocean around the Galápagos Islands hosts thousands of
female sperm whales and their calves that have organized into clans with their
own dialects. (Mature males congregate in colder waters near the poles.) How
these clans form has been something of a mystery until now.
A study published recently in the journal ‘Nature
Communications’ suggests that culture—behaviors shared by group members—keeps
these sperm whale clans together. Specifically, these deep-diving whales have a
distinct series of clicks called codas they use to communicate during social
Sperm whales with similar behaviors spend time together, and
they pick up vocalizations from each other. Scientists call this social
learning. Whales that "speak the same language" stick together,
giving rise to the clans that researchers have observed for more than 30 years.
Jun 10, 2016
Theodore Roosevelt - 26th President of the United States (1901-1909)
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(October 27, 1958 – January 6, 1919) |
Roosevelt was the second of four children born into a
long-established, socially prominent family of Dutch and English ancestry; his
mother, Martha Bulloch of Georgia, came from a wealthy, slave-owning plantation
family. In frail health as a boy, Roosevelt was educated by private tutors.
From boyhood, he displayed intense, wide-ranging intellectual curiosity. He
graduated from Harvard College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, in
1880. He then studied briefly at Columbia Law School but soon turned to writing
and politics as a career. In 1880 he married Alice Hathaway Lee, by whom he had
one daughter, Alice. After his first wife's death, in 1886 he married Edith
Kermit Carow (Edith Roosevelt), with whom he lived for the rest of his life at
Sagamore Hill, an estate near Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York. They had five
children: Theodore, Jr., Kermit, Ethel, Archibald, and Quentin.
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